Hvac Pump Head Calculation Pdf Download
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The head of a pump is the difference in height of the liquid when it is drawn through the pump. The head is measured in meters. Head is the amount of liquid that a pump lifts or prevents from falling. It is measured in meters of liquid column.
Head is the height, measured in meters, of a column of liquid that the pump creates when the pump is working. Head is the amount of liquid lifted over the horizontal distance between the pump and the discharge outlet. The head is a measurement of the height of the surface of the liquid. The head can be measured directly by using a measurement instrument with a column of known height. In some cases, it is possible to determine the head indirectly from measurements of the fluid pressure and the flow rate. The head pressure is the height of the fluid at which it is under the maximum pressure in the pump. Head is often used in association with the flow rate and is generally the most important parameter for defining the pump efficiency.
Head is the height, measured in meters, of a column of liquid that the pump creates when the pump is working. Head is the amount of liquid lifted over the horizontal distance between the pump and the discharge outlet. The head is a measurement of the height of the surface of the liquid. The head can be measured directly by using a measurement instrument with a column of known height.
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