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The practice of Separation of Duties is vital to ensure the validity of the accounting records. Accountants are as important as bookkeepers in many accounting procedures. It is their responsibility to not only prepare accurate accounting records, but to ensure they are maintained in an organized fashion as well. Accounts should be prepared in a logical manner. Many of the accounting processes are automated, but some cannot be. The process of accounting involves numerous disciplines, but is of vital importance to every company. These disciplines include, but are certainly not limited to, bookkeeping, financial reporting, taxation, accounting, auditing, and business management.
The international criminal police organization, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) is created by the Treaty of Paris. The headquarters of the Organization is located in Vienna, Austria. The police command is headed by a Commissioner for Bosnia and Herzegovina. One of the main tasks of the OSCE is to ensure a secure environment that would prevent and detect incidents of any conflict or war. One of the initiatives of the Organization is to create a system of international protection for the citizens of the region. Through the OSCE, governments are striving to maintain peace in the region using various programs such as, but not limited to, arms reduction, media broadcasting, and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. The overall goal of the organization is to keep peace for the citizens of the region to ensure a peaceful, wealthy and secure world. d2c66b5586