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I who? I who stretch out the Heavens like a curtaine, and againe make a sack their covering, and shrivell them up as a parched scroule at the last day: I who ride upon a Cherube and flie, who flie upon the wings of the winde: Psal. 18. 10. I who have founded the earth upon the waters,Psal. 28. 2. and established it upon the floods: I who have shut up [Page 6] the Sea with dores, and made the cloud the garment thereof, and thicke darkenesse the swadling band for it:Job 38. 10. I who weigh the mountaines in a ballance, to whom the Nations are as the droppings of a bucket, I who dwell above the circle of the Moone, and hold the ball of the world in my hand:In a word, I who am Alpha and Omega, all full of grace and truth, in whom dwells the fullnesse of the God-head bodily; who thinke it no robbery to be equall with GOD, as being the image and character of his goodnesse: whose throne is at the right hand of my Father, but my Soveraignety is throughout all ages, and to the ends of the earth: I thus robbed with dignity, thus engirt with power, thus bedect and crown'd with Majesty; I stand. d2c66b5586